Telling Stories with Patterns

Patterns Describe Relationships Experiences Habits Systems

The following stories are excerpts from interviews

 with people who worked remotely during the Pandemic

Patterns express themselves in different ways across different people’s experiences.

“(While working remotely) I appreciated being able to stay with my mother and take care of her .”

“I missed my farewell, it was a virtual experience”

“I feel like face to face meeting with customers has become negligible in pandemic and therefore market connect lost for some.”

As Stories Get more specific and complex, They can form a collage of Patterns.

“A bit far fetched, but I wonder what would happen if the members of the same team stay together in a co-living space, that pseudo sense of their working environment can boost productivity.”

“Sometimes when we had calls with external speakers, we would get on our private WhatsApp group chat without the boss to talk about how nice and good looking they were.”

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