About this Project

This project was lead with one main question: "How can we understand remote workspace interactions in in a new way?"

Remote Communication technologies are a hot topic as we are nearing the post pandemic era. After having to adapt to a different mode of work for months on end, a large number of companies are questioning how they can modify their work systems going forward. 

Since the great transition to remote work in March 2020, the unfamiliarity with remote communication caused many communication gaps in workspaces, especially with respect to informal communication. Having just recently grown immensely, remote work is a rich source for studying newly formed design and behaviour patterns. 

What is This Website About?

This site is the culmination of four months of research. All insights, patterns, and stories on this site are a result of the combined secondary research, survey, and interviews with remote working employees.

My aim was to show some of the nuances in the stories that I collected during my research. I wanted to show how these stories can be broken down and built up using common underlying patterns.

This website is part of the Submission for the 2021 7th Semester Pre-Thesis Project ‘Reorienting Human-Technology interactions in a Post-Pandemic World’ at Srishti Institute of Art Design and Technology.